creates a scenario of class "riskyr",
which can be visualized by the plot
method plot.riskyr
and summarized by the summary
method summary.riskyr
scen_lbl = txt$scen_lbl,
popu_lbl = txt$popu_lbl,
N_lbl = txt$N_lbl,
cond_lbl = txt$cond_lbl,
cond_true_lbl = txt$cond_true_lbl,
cond_false_lbl = txt$cond_false_lbl,
dec_lbl = txt$dec_lbl,
dec_pos_lbl = txt$dec_pos_lbl,
dec_neg_lbl = txt$dec_neg_lbl,
acc_lbl = txt$acc_lbl,
dec_cor_lbl = txt$dec_cor_lbl,
dec_err_lbl = txt$dec_err_lbl,
sdt_lbl = txt$sdt_lbl,
hi_lbl = txt$hi_lbl,
mi_lbl = txt$mi_lbl,
fa_lbl = txt$fa_lbl,
cr_lbl = txt$cr_lbl,
prev = NA,
sens = NA,
spec = NA,
fart = NA,
N = NA,
hi = NA,
mi = NA,
fa = NA,
cr = NA,
scen_lng = txt$scen_lng,
scen_txt = txt$scen_txt,
scen_src = txt$scen_src,
scen_apa = txt$scen_apa,
round = TRUE,
sample = FALSE
A riskyr
object describing a risk-related scenario
(with textual and numeric information).
The current scenario title (sometimes in Title Caps).
A brief description of the current population or sample.
A label for the current population popu
or sample.
A label for the condition or feature (e.g., some disease) currently considered.
A label for the presence of the current condition
or cond_true
cases (the condition's true state of TRUE).
A label for the absence of the current condition
or cond_false
cases (the condition's true state of FALSE).
A label for the decision or judgment (e.g., some diagnostic test) currently made.
A label for positive decisions
or dec_pos
cases (e.g., predicting the presence of the condition).
A label for negative decisions
or dec_neg
cases (e.g., predicting the absence of the condition).
A label for accuracy (i.e., correspondence between condition and decision or judgment).
A label for correct (or accurate) decisions or judgments.
A label for incorrect (or erroneous) decisions or judgments.
A label for the combination of condition and decision currently made.
A label for hits or true positives hi
(i.e., correct decisions of the presence of the condition, when the condition is actually present).
A label for misses or false negatives mi
(i.e., incorrect decisions of the absence of the condition when the condition is actually present).
A label for false alarms or false positives fa
(i.e., incorrect decisions of the presence of the condition when the condition is actually absent).
A label for correct rejections or true negatives cr
(i.e., a correct decision of the absence of the condition, when the condition is actually absent).
Essential probabilities:
The condition's prevalence prev
(i.e., the probability of condition being TRUE
The decision's sensitivity sens
(i.e., the conditional probability of a positive decision
provided that the condition is TRUE
is optional when its complement mirt
is provided.
The decision's specificity value spec
(i.e., the conditional probability
of a negative decision provided that the condition is FALSE
is optional when its complement fart
is provided.
The decision's false alarm rate fart
(i.e., the conditional probability
of a positive decision provided that the condition is FALSE
is optional when its complement spec
is provided.
Essential frequencies:
The number of individuals in the scenario's population.
A suitable value of N
is computed, if not provided.
The number of hits hi
(or true positives).
The number of misses mi
(or false negatives).
The number of false alarms fa
(or false positives).
The number of correct rejections cr
(or true negatives).
Details and source information:
Language of the current scenario (as character code).
Options: "en"
for English, "de"
for German.
A longer text description of the current scenario (which may extend over several lines).
Source information for the current scenario.
Source information for the current scenario according to the American Psychological Association (APA style).
Boolean value that determines whether frequency values
are rounded to the nearest integer.
Default: round = TRUE
Note: Only rounding when using comp_freq_prob
(i.e., computing freq
from prob
Boolean value that determines whether frequency values
are sampled from N
, given the probability values of
, sens
, and spec
Default: sample = FALSE
Note: Only sampling when using comp_freq_prob
(i.e., computing freq
from prob
A riskyr
object describing a risk-related scenario.
Scenario-specific titles and text labels (see txt
Beyond basic scenario information (i.e., text elements describing a scenario)
only the population size N
and the essential probabilities
, sens
, spec
, and fart
are used and returned.
Basic text information and some numeric parameters
(see num
and init_num
are integral parts of a riskyr
By contrast, basic color information
(see pal
and init_pal
is not an integral part, but independently defined.
The names of probabilities
(see prob
) are currently
not an integral part of txt
and riskyr
(but defined in prob_lbl_def
and label_prob
# Defining scenarios: -----
# (a) minimal information:
hustosis <- riskyr(scen_lbl = "Screening for hustosis",
N = 1000, prev = .04, sens = .80, spec = .95)
# (2) detailed information:
scen_reoffend <- riskyr(scen_lbl = "Identify reoffenders",
cond_lbl = "being a reoffender",
popu_lbl = "Prisoners",
cond_true_lbl = "has reoffended",
cond_false_lbl = "has not reoffended",
dec_lbl = "test result",
dec_pos_lbl = "will reoffend",
dec_neg_lbl = "will not reoffend",
sdt_lbl = "combination",
hi_lbl = "reoffender found", mi_lbl = "reoffender missed",
fa_lbl = "false accusation", cr_lbl = "correct release",
prev = .45, # prevalence of being a reoffender.
sens = .98,
spec = .46, fart = NA, # (provide 1 of 2)
N = 753,
scen_src = "Example scenario")
# Using scenarios: -----
#> Scenario: Screening for hustosis
#> Condition: True condition
#> Decision: Outcome
#> Population: Population
#> N = 1000
#> Source: Source information
#> Probabilities:
#> Essential probabilities:
#> prev sens mirt spec fart
#> 0.04 0.80 0.20 0.95 0.05
#> Other probabilities:
#> ppod PPV NPV FDR FOR acc
#> 0.080 0.400 0.991 0.600 0.009 0.944
#> Frequencies:
#> by conditions:
#> cond_true cond_false
#> 40 960
#> by decision:
#> dec_pos dec_neg
#> 80 920
#> by correspondence (of decision to condition):
#> dec_cor dec_err
#> 944 56
#> 4 essential (SDT) frequencies:
#> hi mi fa cr
#> 32 8 48 912
#> Accuracy:
#> acc:
#> 0.944
#> Scenario: Identify reoffenders
#> Condition: being a reoffender
#> Decision: test result
#> Population: Prisoners
#> N = 753
#> Source: Example scenario
#> Probabilities:
#> Essential probabilities:
#> prev sens mirt spec fart
#> 0.45 0.98 0.02 0.46 0.54
#> Other probabilities:
#> ppod PPV NPV FDR FOR acc
#> 0.738 0.598 0.966 0.402 0.034 0.694
#> Frequencies:
#> by conditions:
#> cond_true cond_false
#> 339 414
#> by decision:
#> dec_pos dec_neg
#> 556 197
#> by correspondence (of decision to condition):
#> dec_cor dec_err
#> 522 231
#> 4 essential (SDT) frequencies:
#> hi mi fa cr
#> 332 7 224 190
#> Accuracy:
#> acc:
#> 0.694
# 2 ways of defining the same scenario:
s1 <- riskyr(prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, N = 100) # s1: define by 3 prob & N
s2 <- riskyr(hi = 25, mi = 25, fa = 25, cr = 25) # s2: same scenario by 4 freq
all.equal(s1, s2) # should be TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
# Rounding and sampling:
s3 <- riskyr(prev = 1/3, sens = 2/3, spec = 6/7, N = 100, round = FALSE) # s3: w/o rounding
s4 <- riskyr(prev = 1/3, sens = 2/3, spec = 6/7, N = 100, sample = TRUE) # s4: with sampling
# Note:
riskyr(prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, hi = 25, mi = 25, fa = 25, cr = 25) # works (consistent)
#> $scen_lbl
#> [1] "Scenario"
#> $popu_lbl
#> [1] "Population"
#> $N_lbl
#> [1] "N"
#> $cond_lbl
#> [1] "True condition"
#> $cond_true_lbl
#> [1] "present"
#> $cond_false_lbl
#> [1] "absent"
#> $dec_lbl
#> [1] "Outcome"
#> $dec_pos_lbl
#> [1] "positive"
#> $dec_neg_lbl
#> [1] "negative"
#> $acc_lbl
#> [1] "Accuracy"
#> $dec_cor_lbl
#> [1] "correct"
#> $dec_err_lbl
#> [1] "incorrect"
#> $sdt_lbl
#> [1] "Cases"
#> $hi_lbl
#> [1] "TP"
#> $mi_lbl
#> [1] "FN"
#> $fa_lbl
#> [1] "FP"
#> $cr_lbl
#> [1] "TN"
#> $prev
#> [1] 0.5
#> $sens
#> [1] 0.5
#> $spec
#> [1] 0.5
#> $fart
#> [1] 0.5
#> $N
#> [1] 100
#> $hi
#> [1] 25
#> $mi
#> [1] 25
#> $fa
#> [1] 25
#> $cr
#> [1] 25
#> $scen_lng
#> [1] "en/de"
#> $scen_txt
#> [1] "Description of the current scenario in a short paragraph of text. This description may include several sentences."
#> $scen_src
#> [1] "Source information"
#> $scen_apa
#> [1] "Source information in APA format"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "riskyr"
riskyr(prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, hi = 25, mi = 25, fa = 25) # works (ignores freq)
#> $scen_lbl
#> [1] "Scenario"
#> $popu_lbl
#> [1] "Population"
#> $N_lbl
#> [1] "N"
#> $cond_lbl
#> [1] "True condition"
#> $cond_true_lbl
#> [1] "present"
#> $cond_false_lbl
#> [1] "absent"
#> $dec_lbl
#> [1] "Outcome"
#> $dec_pos_lbl
#> [1] "positive"
#> $dec_neg_lbl
#> [1] "negative"
#> $acc_lbl
#> [1] "Accuracy"
#> $dec_cor_lbl
#> [1] "correct"
#> $dec_err_lbl
#> [1] "incorrect"
#> $sdt_lbl
#> [1] "Cases"
#> $hi_lbl
#> [1] "TP"
#> $mi_lbl
#> [1] "FN"
#> $fa_lbl
#> [1] "FP"
#> $cr_lbl
#> [1] "TN"
#> $prev
#> [1] 0.5
#> $sens
#> [1] 0.5
#> $spec
#> [1] 0.5
#> $fart
#> [1] 0.5
#> $N
#> [1] 10
#> $hi
#> [1] 2
#> $mi
#> [1] 3
#> $fa
#> [1] 3
#> $cr
#> [1] 2
#> $scen_lng
#> [1] "en/de"
#> $scen_txt
#> [1] "Description of the current scenario in a short paragraph of text. This description may include several sentences."
#> $scen_src
#> [1] "Source information"
#> $scen_apa
#> [1] "Source information in APA format"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "riskyr"
## Watch out for:
# riskyr(hi = 25, mi = 25, fa = 25, cr = 25, N = 101) # warns, uses actual sum of freq
# riskyr(prev = .4, sens = .5, spec = .5, hi = 25, mi = 25, fa = 25, cr = 25) # warns, uses freq