plots a population of which individual's
condition has been classified correctly or incorrectly as icons
from a sufficient and valid set of 3 essential probabilities
, and
or its complement mirt
, and
or its complement fart
or existing frequency information freq
and a population size of N
prev = num$prev,
sens = num$sens,
mirt = NA,
spec = num$spec,
fart = NA,
N = freq$N,
sample = FALSE,
arr_type = "array",
by = "all",
ident_order = c("hi", "mi", "fa", "cr"),
icon_types = 22,
icon_size = NULL,
icon_brd_lwd = 1.5,
block_d = NULL,
border_d = 0.1,
block_size_row = 10,
block_size_col = 10,
nblocks_row = NULL,
nblocks_col = NULL,
fill_array = "left",
fill_blocks = "rowwise",
lbl_txt = txt,
main = txt$scen_lbl,
sub = "type",
title_lbl = NULL,
cex_lbl = 0.9,
col_pal = pal,
transparency = 0.5,
mar_notes = FALSE,
The condition's prevalence prev
(i.e., the probability of condition being TRUE
The decision's sensitivity sens
(i.e., the conditional probability of a positive decision
provided that the condition is TRUE
is optional when its complement mirt
is provided.
The decision's miss rate mirt
(i.e., the conditional probability of a negative decision
provided that the condition is TRUE
is optional when its complement sens
is provided.
The decision's specificity value spec
(i.e., the conditional probability
of a negative decision provided that the condition is FALSE
is optional when its complement fart
is provided.
The decision's false alarm rate fart
(i.e., the conditional probability
of a positive decision provided that the condition is FALSE
is optional when its complement spec
is provided.
The number of individuals in the population.
A suitable value of N
is computed, if not provided.
If N is 100,000 or greater it is reduced to 10,000
for the array types if the frequencies allow it.
Boolean value that determines whether frequency values
are sampled from N
, given the probability values of
, sens
, and spec
Default: sample = FALSE
The icons can be arranged in different ways resulting in different types of displays:
arr_type = "array"
: Icons are plotted in a
classical icon array (default).
Icons can be arranged in blocks using block_d
The order of filling the array can be customized using
and fill_blocks
arr_type = "shuffledarray"
: Icons are plotted in an
icon array, but positions are shuffled (randomized).
Icons can be arranged in blocks using block_d
The order of filling the array can be customized using
and fill_blocks
arr_type = "mosaic"
: Icons are ordered like in a mosaic plot.
The area size displays the relative proportions of their frequencies.
arr_type = "fillequal"
: Icons are positioned into equally sized blocks.
Thus, their density reflects the relative proportions of their frequencies.
arr_type = "fillleft"
: Icons are randomly filled from the left.
arr_type = "filltop"
: Icons are randomly filled from the top.
arr_type = "scatter"
: Icons are randomly scattered into the plot.
A character code specifying a perspective to split the population into subsets, with 4 options:
The order in which icon identities
(i.e., hi, mi, fa, and cr) are plotted.
Default: ident_order = c("hi", "mi", "fa", "cr")
specifies the appearance of the icons as a vector.
Default: icon_types = 11
(i.e., squares with border).
Accepts values from 1 to 25 (see ?points
specifies the size of the icons via cex
Default: icon_size = NULL
for automatic calculation.
specifies the border width of icons (if applicable).
Default: icon_brd_lwd = 1.5
. Set to NA
for no border.
The distance between blocks.
Default: block_d = NULL
for automatic calculation;
(does not apply to "filleft", "filltop", and "scatter")
The distance of icons to the border.
Default: border_d = 0.1
Additional options for controlling the arrangement of arrays
(for arr_type = "array"
and "shuffledarray"
specifies how many icons should be in each block row.
Default: block_size_row = 10
specifies how many icons should be in each block column.
Default: block_size_col = 10
Number of blocks per row.
Default: nblocks_row = NULL
for automatic calculation.
Number of blocks per column.
Default: nblocks_col = NULL
for automatic calculation.
specifies how the blocks are filled into the array.
Options: fill_array = "left"
(default) vs. "top"
specifies how icons within blocks are filled.
Options: fill_blocks = "rowwise"
(default) and "colwise"
Generic text and color options:
Default label set for text elements.
Default: lbl_txt = txt
Text label for main plot title.
Default: main = txt$scen_lbl
Text label for plot subtitle (on 2nd line).
Default: sub = "type"
shows information on current plot type.
Deprecated text label for current plot title.
Replaced by main
Scaling factor for text labels.
Default: cex_lbl = .90
Color palette.
Default: col_pal = pal
Specifies the transparency for overlapping icons
(not for arr_type = "array"
and "shuffledarray"
Boolean option for showing margin notes.
Default: mar_notes = FALSE
Other (graphical) parameters.
Nothing (NULL).
If probabilities are provided, a new list of
natural frequencies freq
is computed by comp_freq
By contrast, if no probabilities are provided,
the values currently contained in freq
are used.
By default, comp_freq
rounds frequencies to nearest integers
to avoid decimal values in freq
Other visualization functions:
# Basics:
plot_icons(N = 1000) # icon array with default settings (arr_type = "array")
plot_icons(arr_type = "shuffledarray", N = 1000) # icon array with shuffled IDs
# Sampling:
plot_icons(N = 1000, prev = 1/2, sens = 2/3, spec = 6/7, sample = TRUE)
# array types:
plot_icons(arr_type = "mosaic", N = 1000) # areas as in mosaic plot
plot_icons(arr_type = "fillequal", N = 1000) # areas of equal size (probability as density)
plot_icons(arr_type = "fillleft", N = 1000) # icons filled from left to right (in columns)
plot_icons(arr_type = "filltop", N = 1000) # icons filled from top to bottom (in rows)
plot_icons(arr_type = "scatter", N = 1000) # icons randomly scattered
# by:
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "all") # hi, mi, fa, cr (TP, FN, FP, TN) cases
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "cd", main = "Cases by condition") # (hi + mi) vs. (fa + cr)
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "dc", main = "Cases by decision") # (hi + fa) vs. (mi + cr)
plot_icons(N = 1000, by = "ac", main = "Cases by accuracy") # (hi + cr) vs. (fa + mi)
# Custom icon types and colors:
plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "array", icon_types = c(21, 22, 23, 24),
block_d = 0.5, border_d = 0.5, col_pal = pal_vir)
plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "shuffledarray", icon_types = c(21, 23, 24, 22),
block_d = 0.5, border_d = 0.5)
plot_icons(N = 800, arr_type = "fillequal", icon_types = c(21, 22, 22, 21),
icon_brd_lwd = .5, cex = 1, cex_lbl = 1.1)
# Text and color options:
plot_icons(N = 1000, prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, arr_type = "shuffledarray",
main = "My title", sub = NA, lbl_txt = txt_TF, col_pal = pal_vir, mar_notes = TRUE)
plot_icons(N = 1000, prev = .5, sens = .5, spec = .5, arr_type = "shuffledarray",
main = "Green vs. red", col_pal = pal_rgb, transparency = .5)