write_fft_df writes the definition of a single FFT (as a tidy data frame) into the one-line FFT definition used by an FFTrees object.

write_fft_df allows turning individual tree definitions into the one-line FFT definition format used by an FFTrees object.

read_fft_df provides the inverse functionality.

write_fft_df(fft, tree = -99L)



One FFT definition (as a data frame in tidy format, with one row per node).


The ID of the to-be-written FFT (as an integer). Default: tree = -99L.


An FFT definition in the one line FFT definition format used by an FFTrees object (as a data frame).

See also

get_fft_df for getting the FFT definitions of an FFTrees object; read_fft_df for reading one FFT definition from tree definitions; add_fft_df for adding FFTs to tree definitions; FFTrees for creating FFTs from and applying them to data.

Other tree definition and manipulation functions: add_fft_df(), add_nodes(), drop_nodes(), edit_nodes(), flip_exits(), get_fft_df(), read_fft_df(), reorder_nodes(), select_nodes()