pal_vir is initialized to a vector of named elements (colors) to define a scenario color scheme modeled on the viridis color scale.



An object of class character of length 16.


These colors are select by the Matplotlib viridis color map created by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith. See the viridisLite package (maintained by Simon Garnier) for further information.

Assign pal <- pal_vir to use as default color scheme throughout the riskyr package.

See also

pal contains current color information; init_pal initializes color information.

Other color palettes: pal_bwp, pal_bw, pal_crisk, pal_kn, pal_mbw, pal_mod, pal_org, pal_rgb, pal_unikn

Other lists containing current scenario information: accu, freq, num, pal_bwp, pal_bw, pal_kn, pal_mbw, pal_mod, pal_org, pal_rgb, pal_unikn, pal, prob, txt_TF, txt_org, txt


pal_vir        # shows all color names and current values
#>           N   cond_true  cond_false     dec_pos     dec_neg     dec_cor 
#> "#B3B3B3FC" "#D9D9D9FC" "#8C8C8CFC" "#CCCCCCFC" "#999999FC" "#E6E6E6FC" 
#>     dec_err          hi          mi          fa          cr         ppv 
#> "#808080FC" "#85D54AFF" "#FDE725FF" "#2D708EFF" "#2BB07FFF" "#51C56AFF" 
#>         npv         txt         brd          bg 
#> "#433E85FF" "#000000FC" "#1A1A1AFC"     "white" 
pal_vir["hi"]  # shows the current color for hits (true positives, TP)
#>          hi 
#> "#85D54AFF" 
pal_vir["hi"] <- "green3" # defines a new color for hits (true positives, TP)