pal_unikn combines the 5 shades of blue colors from color palette pal_seeblau with the 6 non-blue colors of pal_unikn_web to a divergent palette of 11 colors.



An object of class data.frame with 1 rows and 11 columns.


Adding seeblau5 (i.e., pal_seeblau[1]) to the default color palette pal_unikn also puts white at the central (middle) position of a color palette with 11 values:

pal_unikn[[6]] is white or "#FFFFFF".

A divergent palette is useful for creating color gradients.

See for details.

See also

pal_unikn for the default color palette; pal_seeblau for the seeblau color palette; seecol for viewing and comparing color palettes; usecol for using color palettes.

Other color palettes: pal_bordeaux, pal_grau, pal_karpfenblau, pal_peach, pal_petrol, pal_pinky, pal_seeblau, pal_seegruen, pal_signal, pal_unikn_dark, pal_unikn_light, pal_unikn_pair, pal_unikn_ppt, pal_unikn_pref, pal_unikn_web


#>   seeblau5 seeblau4 seeblau3 seeblau2 seeblau1   white seegrau1 seegrau2
#> 1  #008ECE  #00A9E0  #59C7EB  #A6E1F4  #CCEEF9 #FFFFFF  #E5E5E5  #CCCCCC
#>   seegrau3 seegrau4   black
#> 1  #999999  #666666 #000000
dim(pal_unikn)  # 1 11
#> [1]  1 11

# Access by position:
pal_unikn[1]    # new color "seeblau5" (as df)
#>   seeblau5
#> 1  #008ECE
pal_unikn[[1]]  # new color value "#008ECE"
#> [1] "#008ECE"

# Access by name: 
pal_unikn["seeblau5"]   # new color "seeblau5" (as df) 
#>   seeblau5
#> 1  #008ECE
pal_unikn[["seeblau5"]] # new color value "#008ECE"
#> [1] "#008ECE"

# Viewing/using color palette:

demopal(pal_unikn, type = "curve", main = "Default colors of Konstanz University")

# Note:
pal_unikn[6] # "white" or "#FFFFFF" as central of 11 colors
#>     white
#> 1 #FFFFFF