pal_org is a copy of pal (to retrieve original set of colors in case pal is changed).



An object of class character of length 16.


See pal for default color information.

Assign pal <- pal_org to re-set default color scheme throughout the riskyr package.

See also

pal contains current color information; init_pal initializes color information.

Other color palettes: pal_bwp, pal_bw, pal_crisk, pal_kn, pal_mbw, pal_mod, pal_rgb, pal_unikn, pal_vir

Other lists containing current scenario information: accu, freq, num, pal_bwp, pal_bw, pal_kn, pal_mbw, pal_mod, pal_rgb, pal_unikn, pal_vir, pal, prob, txt_TF, txt_org, txt


pal_org        # shows all color names and current values
#>                 N         cond_true        cond_false           dec_pos 
#>       "#E6E6E6FC" "lightgoldenrod1"   "lightskyblue2"      "rosybrown3" 
#>           dec_neg           dec_cor           dec_err                hi 
#> "lightsteelblue3"      "palegreen3"      "firebrick3"      "olivedrab4" 
#>                mi                fa                cr               ppv 
#>         "tomato3"    "lightsalmon2"      "olivedrab3"         "sienna1" 
#>               npv               txt               brd                bg 
#>      "steelblue3"       "#030303FC"       "#333333FC"           "white" 
pal_org["hi"]  # shows the current color for hits (true positives, TP)
#>           hi 
#> "olivedrab4" 
pal_org["hi"] <- "gold" # defines a new color for hits (true positives, TP)