comp_spec is a conversion function that takes a false alarm rate fart -- given as a probability (i.e., a numeric value in the range from 0 to 1) -- as its input, and returns the corresponding specificity spec -- also as a probability -- as its output.




The decision's false alarm rate fart as a probability.


The decision's specificity spec as a probability.


The specificity spec and the false alarm rate fart are complements (spec = (1 - fart)) and both features of the decision process (e.g., a diagnostic test).

The function comp_spec is complementary to the conversion function comp_fart and uses the generic function comp_complement.

See also

comp_complement computes a probability's complement; is_complement verifies probability complements; comp_prob computes current probability information; prob contains current probability information; is_prob verifies probabilities.

Other functions computing probabilities: comp_FDR(), comp_FOR(), comp_NPV(), comp_PPV(), comp_accu_freq(), comp_accu_prob(), comp_acc(), comp_comp_pair(), comp_complement(), comp_complete_prob_set(), comp_err(), comp_fart(), comp_mirt(), comp_ppod(), comp_prob_freq(), comp_prob(), comp_sens()


comp_spec(2)                       # => NA + warning (beyond range)
#> [1] NA
comp_spec(1/3)                     # => 0.6666667
#> [1] 0.6666667
comp_spec(comp_complement(0.123))  # => 0.123
#> [1] 0.123