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UCLA_4 provides three blue brand gradient colors of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA.




An object of class character of length 3.


Color definitions are based on UCLA's Color manual.


A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).


The main gradient colors are Darker blue, defined as CMYK 100 45 0 45, RGB 0 85 135, or HEX #005587, UCLA blue, defined as CMYK 83 40 3 6, RGB 39 116 174, or HEX #2774AE, and Lighter blue, defined as CMYK 45 14 0 0, RGB 139 184 232, or HEX #8BB8E8.

UCLA_4 uses the HEX color definitions.

A blue gradient can be used to enliven fields of color.

If the gradient is used strictly as a background -- for instance, under an overlay box -- you can use the complete color range.

If you are overprinting the gradient with type, you need to make sure the resulting contrast ratio meets accessibility standards. See the color combination chart at


unicol, 2023-06-16.


#>  Darker blue    UCLA blue Lighter blue 
#>    "#005587"    "#2774AE"    "#8BB8E8" 
unikn::seecol(UCLA_4, main = "UCLA blue gradient colors") # view color palette

# Gradient with n = 7 tints:
unikn::seecol(unikn::usecol(UCLA_4, n = 7), main = "UCLA blue brand gradient")
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